
Change is in the air here at Structured Green - and we're not just talking about the weather!
We will be relaunching the business, but with one definitive twist. However, of course, our critically acclaimed, eco-friendly aesthetic will be upheld. Starting June 1st, 2009, the SG team will be transforming into something even
more spectacular!
While the details are still a surprise, you can be sure Structured Green is going to deliver only the finest modern, eco-friendly designs in furniture and home furnishings.

Check back here June 1st for the big reveal, or stop by the store and see for yourself!

Jessica B.
The SG Team



Hello again!

Green is the new black - so get on board! I've come up with 10 Eco-Friendly tips to help you (and the environment).

Statistics say, that if everyone in the U.S. replaced just ONE regular light bulb with an low-energy, low-impact bulb, it would be equivalent to removing 1 MILLION cars from the road. Unbelievable.

Americans, on average, use about 6 paper napkins a day. By eliminating the use of only ONE napkin per day, we can prevent millions of pounds of paper ending up in landfills.

63 million newspapers are printed in the United States every day... and where do you think they all end up? That's right, 69% of these newspapers end up in our landfills. If we recycled ONLY the Sunday papers, we'd be saving half a million trees a WEEK.

90% of all plastic water bottles end up in landfills. Consider refilling the same water bottle, or buy a trendy stainless steel water bottle - Eco-friendly, Eco-trendy. I love it!

Cutting your shower time down by just TWO minutes can conserve about 10 gallons of water.

This is a BIG pet peeve of mine. It's probably one of the easiest ways to conserve energy, but also one of the most overlooked. Simply flip the lights off when you're leaving a room. It's that easy, people!

Out of the 500 MILLION plastic bags that end up in landfills all over the world, 84 MILLION of them are contributed by the U.S. Invest in some eco-friendly bags to take with you to the grocery store, out shopping, or just because! The bags are super inexpensive, usually only costing $1, making them easy on the environment, and our wallets. Get 'em here!

Recycled glass reduces related air pollution by 20% and related water pollution by 50%. If it isn't recycled it can take a million years to decompose. Recycle those bottles!

Summer's right around the corner - so get outside, and get on a bike! Eliminate your carbon footprint by purchasing a bike (and help yourself get in shape at the same time!)

This 5 minute task creates years of life and oxygen, and helps to reverse some of the serious forest demolition currently taking place all around the world. Try planting a beautiful Magnolia or a Birch!

Keep it GREEN!
Jessica B


New Farmers Market this Saturday in Forsyth!

This is Joemy, enjoying the summer weather and the breeze through the open door here at SG. I’ve been getting excited for tomorrow, Saturday May 9, because there are some really sweet events happening. There is the Market Bazaar at the top of Robinson Parking Garage (York & Montgomery Street) from 9am to 2pm, and GreenFest at the Morris Center. You can find me there throughout the day, selling some of our floor samples for a bargain. Swing by to check out organic bedding, throw pillows, hand screen-printed produce bags and recycled glassware. Stop by and say hi and maybe you can haggle down some prices... just a hint!

Speaking of produce bags, I never seem to be able to consistently catch a Saturday morning farmers market, but this season there is a new market in town that’s too good to miss. Plan a change in your grocery buying habits, because Forsyth Farmers Market will be open for business starting this Saturday from 9am – 1pm. It will be happening every Saturday through November 21.

The Forsyth Farmers Market will have organic and conventional farmers with a variety of produce, including fresh fruits and vegetable, a fresh flower vendor and an edible plant vendor. Every second Saturday, starting on opening day, there will be a health pavilion featuring health lectures and gardening information. The FFM will focus on food, nutrition, and community access to healthy options.

Featuring regionally grown, fresh food and food products sold by the producers, the market will provide an easily accessible venue for those in downtown Savannah and the farmers of our region. This one of the most environmentally friendly and sustainable ways to get your food that provides fresher produce and supports local economic growth. The market will be able to receive food stamps and is committed to providing a consistent resource for both farmers and consumers. I like the idea of knowing where my food has come from, who has grown it, and that I can see them every Saturday if I want to. I'm missing the first one since I'll be at GreenFest all day, but you can bet I'll be saving my grocery list for Saturdays for the rest of the season!

Saturday is looking like a great day to celebrate downtown life, and I hope I see you out and about enjoying all that Savannah has to offer!



Milan Furniture Fair: 2009

Hey all!

Recently, the six-day long Milan Furniture Fair took place beginning on Earth Day, April 22nd, until April 27th. The expo is in it's 48th year running, and did not fail to deliver a, yet again, fabulous show. A plethora of different vendors and designers showcased Eco-friendly, sustainable, and/or recycled furniture, lighting, and other builds and creations. Below are just a handful of images I've found from the expo. Enjoy!

This design is inspired by classic, high-fashion. Think Audrey Hepburn.
The artist, Fredrik Färg, goes to flea markets and salvages old furniture, recycles them, and turns them into masterpieces such as this.


The jet black keeps it classy, simple, and elegant. But, it's the variety that make these pieces so memorable. No two chairs are the same, as they are not being manufactured from scratch. Rather, each chair is unique and different - something we here at Structured Green are devout fans of.

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This is a great solid, laminated bamboo piece by furniture designer Ryan Frank named, 'Zig.' It's a free-standing bookcase on wheels for mobility, with an aesthetic that can't be overlooked.
Load this baby up with books and knick-knacks and it's instantly the focal point of any room.

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Ever wonder what to do with your old cardboard boxes? This couple from Hungry designs real, durable furniture from recycled corrugated cardboard.
It is shipped to you in pieces, with simple instructions and a box of paper clips. Believe it or not, that's all that is used to hold the furniture
together! This ingenious, creative design is
almost too good to be true, consuming the smallest amount of energy and resources possible. The furniture is surprisingly durable, and relatively easy to assemble, as it requires NO tools. (Just keep it away from moisture!)
The company is called KartonArt Design, and is rather unique. They are right on board with the current Eco-frenzy, introducing fresh ideas and products into the design world. This is a company to keep your eye on for the newest, most innovative designs on the market.

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This modular chair system is the creation of Shigeru Ban, a Japanese architect that dwells in the realm of industrial design from time to time, and when he does, it's phenomenal.

This products is probably one of the most versatile pieces of constructable, Eco-friendly furniture out there. It arrives to you in L shaped pieces, and is easily assembled. The best part - it's completely customizable. You can add or take away as many pieces as you want to create individual chairs, benches, tables, or long series of connected chairs.

Still not blown away? The pieces are made of a lightweight, composite material, comprised of recycled paper and plastic, making it completely sustainable.
Now that's Green!

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These stools from Drill Design are Eco-friendly and very stylish. It boasts a simple, but classic stool design, with thick, planar surfaces.

It is built out of a composite wood material - alternating layers of wood veneer and colored paper, making it composed of 40% recycled product.

They are simple to assemble and disassemble, and come in many different sizes to suit your needs. They are super sturdy and durable, so they can be used whenever need be.

These are just a FEW of the hundreds of designers that came out to showcase their creations. Make sure you check out some other great entries here.

Keep it Green!