All was not lost because my first race experience was one of the most fun days I've had in a while.
I managed to not set my alarm clock, so the day started off somewhat panicked, but once my running partners and I made it down to the Savannah Civic Center, we realised there were SO many people there that everything was moving behind schedule anyway.
We froze our bums off waiting to board the Grey Line Trolley that would take us across the bridge to the start line on Hutchinson Island. Driving over it for the first time made me see not only how much of an incline I'd soon be dealing with, but also how exposed and frankly, scary, the bridge is.
The start line was dense with walkers and joggers and seasoned runners alike. We warmed up as best we could, and then the crowd began to move and we realised that this was it: THE START.
We had to high tail it, weaving and sometimes bumping into people as we raced to make up time and move ahead of the masses. I started to worry that 1. I'd lose my running partners and 2. Get tired from trying to dodge and sprint past people.
Before we knew it we were a good amount ahead and onto the ever-increasing climb. Even though I've run for many years, I've never raced. The crowds urge you to go faster and it feels good to hurry past people, but knowing I'm inexperienced, I kept thinking I might use up all my get-up-and-go too soon.
The climb didn't feel as bad as I anticipated, and somewhere around the top I reminded myself to take in the view. Before I knew it I was hurtling down the hill and past the 2 mile mark.
Once onto the last 1000 meters, my lovely boyfriend was there on his bike egging me on when I needed it most. And once I saw the finish I did my best to go into a sprint. I saw the race clock at 28.07 and was happy at least to have done the run under 30 minutes then happier still when I found out my chip time was 26:38.
Afterwards I felt thoroughly accomplished and, well, hyper. I'm ready to sign-up for another, if not a 10k!
I'll let my fellow Structured Green running man tell his tale of doing the Bridge run dressed as a leprechaun!
Until next time.
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